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Wednesday 2 September 2015

Wechat marketing malaysia

WeChat Marketing
  1. WeChat have a large number of users (more than 600 million users and growing)
  2. Precise positioning – they categorize people according to their LOCATION and GENDER
  3. Personalized social CRM is tailored and targeted to individual’s needs.
  4. Brands can apply for a WeChat Official Account. They will receive an unique QR code where users can scan to follow the account and receive brand notifications.
  5. Reduction in cost of communication – making communications more efficient.
  6. Sales Promotions – introducing a potential new channel for e-commerce.

WeChat Official Account (OA)
  • One time setup Fee
  • Own Unique QR Code
  • WeChat Broadcasting (text, image, video, audio, rich media)
  • CRM customer relationship management
  • Statistics Report (followers, rich media, messages)
  • WeChat official verification account (VA) – verified by WeChat Malaysia

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